Monday, July 18, 2016


Hello everyone!!

I don´t have very much time to email today because we took a long time in Lisbon but I will write about the important things that happened this week!

So we are now in a tri-panionship! The Elders who were in Seixal A (Elder Katipunan and Wilson) got changed up a little. Katipunan got a call saying that there was an emergency transfer happening because an elder had to go home with a back injury. So Katipunan got shipped off and Wilson came to join the homies here in Seixal B. We had to combine the areas for the rest of the transfer and our area is HUGEEEEE!!! 

This week was an explosion in our numbers and the people we found! We found a family named Marcel, Janet, Paris, and Aminachi. Marcel is from Nigeria and doesn´t speak portuguese so we teach him in english but his wife speaks Portuguese and no english so we switch off languages! We found him on a street contact and we taught him and his fam the first lesson and it went super well!! They all four came to church this week too!! Paris is 7 and aminachi is 18 months. Cute elect family!! We will be marking them for baptism this week and I´m super excited for them! 

We also met Ladí, the cousin of our recent convert. She has a very difficult life and she was touched by our message. She cried and said she knows it is God´s true church. We threw out a baptismal goal for the 30th of July and we are helping her and her 8 year old son José be baptised on that day! They both came to church too! Super exciting!

We should have a ton of baptisms in the coming weeks! I am super excited to see what the Lord blesses us with! He is so good! 

Anyways I have to go.. but I wanted to end with a funny story this week. So now that we are in a tri-panionship things have gotten quite interesting. Everything from buying more food to teaching in different ways because there are three of us now has changed. Elder Wilson is hilarious. He gets me to laugh all day long lol.. anyways, one night I got in bed after praying and noticed that Elder Wilson was still praying. I was thinking holy cow this guy prays for a long time! Then I fell asleep and woke up 2 hours later and looked over and saw the guy still on his knees praying. I was like no way!! how??.. We wake up in the morning and I hit him up about it. He started laughing and tells me that he fell asleep kneeling down and woke up at about 4 am still asleep on his knees!! WHATTTT?!?! He was asleep on his knees for like 5 hrs! I couldn´t stop laughing haha. Then to make things even funnier, he falls asleep on the toilet every. single. night. Guarenteed. He sits on the toilet for like 5 hrs every night and falls asleep and then wakes up and realizes he fell asleep. We are always joking that now that he moved in with us he doesn´t even need a bed, he can pray for 4 hrs then finish off the night on the toilet!! classic!!

Anyways, I hope you all have a great week. Miss you all!!

Com Amor, 
Elder Haroldsen



Élder Brandon Haroldsen

Missão Portugal Lisboa
Rua Jorge Barradas Nº14C
1500-370 Benfica, Lisboa

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