Monday, April 18, 2016


Days are weeks and weeks are days out here on the mission! It is extremely crazy how fast it seems like P-day gets here from the last! 

This week was a pretty quiet week. We found a couple of new investigators and met with our recent converts to start reteaching the lessons to them. We were really excited with the progress that both Isabel and Beatriz are making! It makes me really happy :) I have realized that joy doesn´t come from just baptizing a person, but that true joy comes from seeing that person progress in the Gospel and change their lives to be a Disciple of Christ. At times, people make wrong choices and it leaves us frustrated, but because they have their own agency, we need to learn to look past that and keep pushing forward. 

This week we shared the talk "His Grace Is Sufficient" by Brad Wilcox with a member who is really stuggling in their life right now. I really love that talk and I recommend that all of you look it up on Youtube and watch it. 
As we watched with him, I felt the spirit fill the room and I was able to feel a little of the love that our Heavenly Father has for this member. It is sad that at times we forget this. We forget that we have a loving Father in Heaven that is waiting to bless us as we do our part, but that´s why I am on my mission. 

One of my favorite things to think is, "If Jesus Christ was standing here in my place right now at this moment, what would he be saying or doing?" As one of his Representatives, this is something sacred and important for me to remember. Every day of my mission, I want everyone I talk to to be able to see the special light of Christ in my eyes. I want them to be able to feel, through my love and Charity, that I am His Disciple. This is HIS work, this is HIS mission, and these are two years of my life that I am giving to HIM. I want you to all know that I love Him and I trust in Him. I invite you all to learn to love and trust in Him also, because we cannot do it without Him. 

I know that Jesus Christ lives. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is His church that He established on this earth with His Authority, Prophets, and Apostles and it is the only way that we will be able to be with our families forever. I know this with 100% of my heart and soul and I cannot deny it. 

As my Dad always told me, "Remember Who You Are". You are a son or daughter of God! You are loved beyond imagination by the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, and the friend of friends. Never forget that.

I love my mission. There is no better work that a young man or young woman can do during this time of their lives. The Lord blesses his servants and their families.. of this I testify.

I love you all. I hope that you have a great week and I am praying for all of the people who were involved in the earthquke in Ecuador. God be with those souls.

Fiquem bem, Confiam no Senhor, e sejam felizes.

Com Amor Sempre,
Élder Brandon Haroldsen 

Élder Brandon Michael Haroldsen
Missão Portugal Lisboa 
Rua Jorge Barradas Nº 14C
1500-370 Benfica, Lisboa